Saturday, August 8, 2009

8th Aug 2009

Had a BBQ Today, mainly to celebrate lizzie's bday. It was a really busy busy day, Pudding came over to pick me in the morning and we drove to TPY NTUC to buy the items that we need for the BBQ, afterwhich went over to Hougang to pick lizzie up from her place and travel over to Pudding's place. Prep the stuff need, was really glad that Slash and Lizzie was there to help out. Start the pit at around 6, some unhappy things happen, at the same time Pudding and I was really tire, but was really glad that at least the bday girl enjoyed herself. She was really surprised that we bought her a cake. Lots of leftover, think the bbq that the guys had in mind are different from the ones I usually prep, so Pudding ask Ranna to help bring over the leftover to TPY tomorrow, at least we won't waste it. Will upload the photos once I got it from lizzie..

Friday, August 7, 2009

7th August 2009...

Finally after so many discussions, quarrels and arguments with Pudding, we decided that we are going to have a bbq this Saturday. Even though most of the guys aren't very enthu about it, but don't care la, I am going to have to have it the girls way this time, don't wanna take into consideration others le. Wrote down the list of items we have to buy for the bbq just now, its so freaking long, wonder if we will have enough budget for everything. Humph... hopefully the things aren't going to be as expensive as that I think it's going to be *crossed my fingers*... Will be meeting Pudding tomorrow night for grocery shopping, so looking forward to it, it's the very first time we are having a bbq together, can you imagine, we have to together for almost 5 years, and this is the 1st time? So excited, will blog again tomorrow about the things we have bought... Till then...

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

5th August 2009

Went for P1 today, the whole class was about the singapore code of corporate governance, boring, was seriously so busy copying that I didn't even catch what was roy talking about, guess I would have read through the code soon. Continue with the discussion with randy on whether to dine out or to have a bbq this coming saturday, weighing the pros and the cons, haiz.. Can't make a decision. Went to breadtalk this evening after my class, bought this yummy bread, its french loaf with mentaiko (spicy coe rod). It's a little salty and the roe was really crunchy. So far I only saw this bread at the centrepoint branch, so people who wanna try it can get it from there.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

4th August 2009...

Finally tried the tonkotsu instant noodle that I bought a few weeks ago from Meidi-ya, Pudding tried it a long time ago, he said it was not bad. After trying it myself, I felt that the soup tasted similar to the ones that Ajisen Ramen is serving. Although it was pretty tasty but I felt really thirsty after drinking the soup, so I guess a lot of MSG was added to it. On top of that the noodles was simply the normal instant noodles that you can find from maggie, so there is nothing unique about it. Think it might be nicer if they will to use the noodles that you find in those Korean brands such as Shin. Personally I don't dislike it, but I doubt I will buy this instant noodle again.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

1st August 2009

Woke up quite late this morning, went over to Dawson Place for breakfast with my family and after we went grocery shopping. Daddy decided to cook sweet potato porridge for dinner, didn't take any pictures about that, cause there is nothing fantastic about it, daddy always simply heat up some canned food and fry some frozen ones to go with porridge. I found something that belongs to my childhood while we were at NTUC, the potatoes puff, something that I was buy when I was in primary school, it costs only 10 cents a pack. Although this doesn't really tasted like the ones we had in primary school, but it still bring back happy memories...

Potato Puffs, I bought the hot & spicy ones since they didn't have a original version.

This is how it looks like, it does looked a little different to the ones we had in primary school, but I am still happy...