Saturday, November 21, 2009

20th November 2009

Met Boyf today, woke up early to prepare breakfast for me before going over to his place. He didn't really seem to enjoy it, think I put too much ingredients, hahaha.. Greedy me!! Spend sometime nua-ing at home, then accompany him to Serene Centre to get his Lego, we had island creamery while we were there.

We took a bus to Ion after that cause I was craving for Chuan Chuan and he wants Gindaco Takopachi, damn sian de lo, I wanted to buy more food, but he keep saying "now u eat so much later can still eat carls meh".. Damn sian, we don't go there very often ma, so definitely have to eat all the things that I want la... Humph.. Anyway, went over to suntec to look for my cute calculator but couldn't find, the staff there was horrible lo, they don't even what the hell I am talking about.. Sian, met the lego forum people for dinner at Carl's Junior after that, spent sometime chatting, I got tempted la, I want the Apple house, the normal house and a lot more.. Hahaha... boyf I think u know what to do de hor.. Muahahaha..

Ingredients in the wrap: Honey Baked Ham, Hotdogs, White button mushrooms and prawns..

Wrap I made for our breakfast, it didn't turn out like what I expected... So sad..

Boyf said that I put too much ingredients le, so he couldn't really taste the mushroom and the prawns, cooked for him, but he still hiam.. Pout..

Island Creamery: Black forest that didn't taste like black forest, and the very light and yummy pear sakae ice cream..

I had Horlicks and pulut Hitam, the horlicks wasn't as thick as what I thought it would be... And the pulut hitam today was a little too bland..

Chuan Chuan, Fried Intestine and Currt Fishball... I love the Intestine..
Gindaco Takopachi: I love it so much, crispy on the outside and soft and fluffy on the inside, the ingredients used are fresh too, and unlike others place, their batter wasn't too thick..

Roasted Pork. Was extremely disappointed, the skin was not crispy, its more like eating rubber..

My Special Order Burger, with double mushrooms and no onions..

Portabello Thick Burger..

Some fish big burger, look at the freaking lettuce, its so huge, dunno eating burger or eating salad..

Monday, November 16, 2009

15th November 2009

Went shopping with mom today, accompany her to SIS Building for the Bossini Sale first, that place was horrible, there is no air con and it was really dusty and the worst part is the variety is so freaking little. But heng the place wasn't crowded, just a few people here and there. Went over to Wisma DP to shop after the bossini crap, F3 give their members 20% off as early christmas benefits, so my mum and I simply grab and try almost all the clothes they have there, but in the end, my mum bought 2 pair of pants and 2 tops while I only bought one skirt and a PJ set, bought a pair of work pants for my sis too.

Afterwhich I brought my mom to Ion, this is her first time there, she was quite enthu about it, we grab some chuan chuan at B4 before continuing our shopping spree cause my mum was hungry. After that we went over to C&K, i saw this damn chio wallet that I want, but my mum keep psycho-ing me not to buy cause I just bought a new one a few weeks ago, I feel damn kuku la, I shouldn't have bought the one that I am currently using! Brought her to Uniquo after that, she went crazy there, she bought another 3 tops for herself, one bra for my sis and I bought 2 PJ tops.. by the time we are done, dad called ask if we wanted him to pick us up, but I have no idea where the taxi stand is, so mom told him we can go back ourselves. Went down to B4 to buy food again, bought all the food that my baby sister loves, like chuan chuan and roasted pig as well as her cheddar cheese pop corn, after which went over to Isetan to ta bao dinner back, the food there was quite nice, maybe someday I will buy some bento thingy for boyf to try..

Stuff that i bought..

Caramel Pop Corn for me and Cheddar Pop Corn for my baby sister..

Sunday, November 15, 2009

14th November 2009

It's lego day, Boyf gave me my advanced Anni pressie that he bought for me. I have been eyeing this lego beach house for quite sometime, and he bought it for me!!! I was so happy when he broke the news to me on wednesday and I finally get to see my beach house today!! This beach house is kind of 3 in 1, its not what you guys are thinking, its 3 in 1 in the sense that with the same lego bricks that is in this set, we can create 3 different designs. It took me slightly more than 3 hours to build up first lego house, boyf told me I could finish it in an hour, and I didn't even know that by the time I finished 3 hours have already passed by. But I was quite proud of myself, wonder if boyf was proud of me too... Hmmm... Here are the pictures of my cute little beach house!!!

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Brushing Day...

My family has this brushing Day organise by my beloved sister, we used this toothpaste that was suppose to be only for primary school kids, it suppose to show you if you have brush ur teeth properly. After that we floss out teeth with the new "tepe" dental floss, my sis said that the floss is suppose to be able to last longer than normal ones. We used the mini brush after that to clean our teeth... Personally I think it's a hassle to do this every night, it took me about half an hour to clean my teeth, I was so tire after that, hope my sis won't organise this day regularly..

The Primary School Toothpaste...

It's freaking pink in colour...

Tepe Dental Floss..

The different size of mini brushes..

Feeling kuku that I have to use the mini brush..

The end result, My reaction was "what's the diff, isn't it the same as the usual?"

13th November 2009

Boyf arranged to meet the sunlovers today at Saizeriya, so I meet him at Central in the late afternoon and we walk over to liang court to study a bit before meeting the others. I didn't really concentrate, was having some problems with myself, felt that I lost touch with my girls, and boyf kind of add salt to my wound when he told me that the girls might interpret the personal msg that I posted on FB the wrong way, called cat, and I feel stupid for feeling that way. Haiz... stupid me, no matter what My girls will always be there for me. Why do I have think of things the negative way.

We went over to Saizeriya when its about 7pm, but in the end no one turns up, boyf was kinda of unhappy about it, he keep saying he is not going to organise another sunlovers outing anymore. Even though no one turns up, we still enjoyed our dinner. After we are done, pebble called boyf and told him she was on the way here, and apologise that she was late cause of her work commitments, so we accompany her for Mac and we chit chat a bit. Pebble is a nice person, this is the first time I got to meet, but I think she has quite a lot in common with me, especially our thinking, no wonder boyf ask her to talk to me about my finances, studies and work la, hahaha, boyf seems quite plz with the results..

He was playing his NDS while we are waiting for the food, sickening lo, it makes me even more grumpy...

Grumpy while waiting for my food, I was hungry lo, stupid waitor took so long but the place was kind of crowded la...

Happy with the yummy food...

He has a metal mouth lo, the doria was so fuming hot, and he can eat like tat, it took me about 3 to 4 mins waiting for it to cool before putting it into my mouth..

Oven baked scallops with tomato and cheese.. both of us kinda of disappointed with this dish, we really expected a lot, the scallops has the fishy smell, think the next time we will most probably ordered the escargots instead of the scallops..
Prawn Doria, this time we are a lot smarter, we mix the whole thing together instead eating it a part at a time, the cheese really goes well with the rice and the prawns are really fresh and crunchy..

Squid ink Spaghetti, boyf did not like this at all, he think it tasted weird and it's really dry. But I think otherwise, I kind of liked it, it tasted like Aglio Olio with a little hint of squid ink..

Hamburg with Mushroom Stew, the hamburg was juicy, but personally I find the mushroom stew a little too salty...

Friday, November 13, 2009

12th November 2009

Went over to meet boyf at this place today in the afternoon since he didn't went to office, spend some alone time together before he left for camp cause he has this RT test tonight, and I am suppose to meet cat for dinner in town. In the end, cat sms me that she has too much work on hand, and she can't meet me, so I decide to stay at boyf's place and study. Read a bit of notes here and there, fed our fishes on fishville and let in our customers on RCK. Sms boyf that my plans was canceled, so in the end he decided to come home and accompany me, he went all the way to blk 284 to buy the spring chicken that he has been craving for. I had always wanted to try it! But "heng ar" I called him to tell him I wasn't feel really hungry, so I ask him to not buy too much, thats when I realise that he had wanted to buy 2 whole chickens, instead of my usual half a chicken each. He said that he always had one chicken to himself and think I could finish as well. I was in real shock at that time, which girl can finish a whole chicken and fries!!! Enjoyed our meal and some time together as we watch san guo before I tooked a cab home.

The salty but crispy on the outside and moist on the inside chicken, Yummilicious!!! I just realise it is the same shop as the fried chicken store me and my girls used to go to at clementi when we were still in SIM, missed those days..

Fish burger that has coleslaw in it, my reaction was WTF, who puts coleslaw in a fish burger? It taste so weird, shouldn't it be tartar sauce? but boyf seems to enjoy it...

Eating his fish burger.. I only had one mouthful of it. He finished the rest without me even realising it..

Enjoying the soggy fries, I have always find myself weird, cause I love soggy fries...

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

11th November 2009

Tong Heng Egg Tarts!!!!! I am so happy, boyf is finally bringing me to chinatown for Tong Heng Egg tarts after I have been craving it for so long... So excited... Meet him in the afternoon at TO, he has to put in quite a number of stuff into the box... I made him fried mushrooms, and after PS we went for my egg tarts and to CSC to collect his toys.. Met Tubei and boon for dinner at the harbour front area after that, in the beginning wanted long john but after seeing the long queue, we decided on mac, coz we wanted the monopoly coupons, I have been looking for TPY and Joo Chiat for like forever!!! And guess what we had 24 coupons, and none of it was what I have been looking for, its was full of AMK and Holland, so disappointing, guess we will just have to try harder for it...

The fried oyster mushrooms that I had made...

Boyf eating the oyster mushroom I made, his mouth is so freaking big can..

Finally Tong Heng!!!

I love the sponge Cake and Egg tarts...

He is so busy eating his "hei pia" from fei xiong..

I love the sponge cake too...

Yummlicious!!! I had 2 egg tarts and a egg sponge cake, the egg tarts was as usual, so fanastic, the crispy skin with the smooth egg, but the sponge cake today a little disappointing, it was quite dry not as moist as previously..

The new steamed egg... I had always had a things for steamed egg, still remember my mom used to bring me to people park complex for steamed egg when I was young, but due to the amount of work required, the dessert store that I always went to stop selling it since I was 12, was so glad that Tong heng is selling it!

Ham and Cheese Fritters from Gourmet Kitchen at Vivo, felt so cheated, there was no cheese in it de lo, tot there will be cheese oozing out..

Dutch Kroket, bought this for boyf, always tot that he is a fan of corocchan, but in the end he wasn't, he said that is seafood and chicken in it...

Our Dinner at Mac... Our all time favourite Fillet O Fish!!