Saturday, November 14, 2009

13th November 2009

Boyf arranged to meet the sunlovers today at Saizeriya, so I meet him at Central in the late afternoon and we walk over to liang court to study a bit before meeting the others. I didn't really concentrate, was having some problems with myself, felt that I lost touch with my girls, and boyf kind of add salt to my wound when he told me that the girls might interpret the personal msg that I posted on FB the wrong way, called cat, and I feel stupid for feeling that way. Haiz... stupid me, no matter what My girls will always be there for me. Why do I have think of things the negative way.

We went over to Saizeriya when its about 7pm, but in the end no one turns up, boyf was kinda of unhappy about it, he keep saying he is not going to organise another sunlovers outing anymore. Even though no one turns up, we still enjoyed our dinner. After we are done, pebble called boyf and told him she was on the way here, and apologise that she was late cause of her work commitments, so we accompany her for Mac and we chit chat a bit. Pebble is a nice person, this is the first time I got to meet, but I think she has quite a lot in common with me, especially our thinking, no wonder boyf ask her to talk to me about my finances, studies and work la, hahaha, boyf seems quite plz with the results..

He was playing his NDS while we are waiting for the food, sickening lo, it makes me even more grumpy...

Grumpy while waiting for my food, I was hungry lo, stupid waitor took so long but the place was kind of crowded la...

Happy with the yummy food...

He has a metal mouth lo, the doria was so fuming hot, and he can eat like tat, it took me about 3 to 4 mins waiting for it to cool before putting it into my mouth..

Oven baked scallops with tomato and cheese.. both of us kinda of disappointed with this dish, we really expected a lot, the scallops has the fishy smell, think the next time we will most probably ordered the escargots instead of the scallops..
Prawn Doria, this time we are a lot smarter, we mix the whole thing together instead eating it a part at a time, the cheese really goes well with the rice and the prawns are really fresh and crunchy..

Squid ink Spaghetti, boyf did not like this at all, he think it tasted weird and it's really dry. But I think otherwise, I kind of liked it, it tasted like Aglio Olio with a little hint of squid ink..

Hamburg with Mushroom Stew, the hamburg was juicy, but personally I find the mushroom stew a little too salty...

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