My paper yesterday was most prob a goner, everything changed including the question style, so messy, stupid examiner, didn't have an idea of what I am writing, whole brain full of Mr Seah again. After I came home last night, daddy seems to realise that I am feeling unhappy, he kept asking what happened, how's the paper and so on? I told him, nothing la just unhappy, he asked about Randy and I as well, but I dunno wat to answer, so I merely keep quiet and went into my room and act like I was studying. I wanted to cry, but I don't wanna cry in front of my dad in fact not in front of my family. Time is passing so slowly nowadays, it's seems to be counting by secs and no longer by mins, have to find things to keep me occupied I guess.
Will be meeting my girls later to keep me occupy at least for today, but think I might feel emo even when I am with them, having a gf and a bf around is different neh. But hopefully today will pass fast enough, feel like going for a drink, but I know with my mood now, once I start I won't stop and I will get myself drunk, so no point la. Alvin tried asking me out again, but I am in no mood to go out with him, liz said that he isn't very decent, while that is what I think too, but he seems to know when is the time to approach me, whenever I am feeling down after a quarrel with randy or even now when I am waiting for Randy's answer, he is here asking me out. Wonder if he has a radar on his head.
In the end I went to liz's place instead of going out cause liz has some work to complete, while cat has her back ache, spend some time at liz's place and we decided to go out for dinner, asked slash & Raymond along too, shinvy came to meet us also. We went to Central for Mr Curry, we waited for nearly half an hour although we are the first on the waiting list, humph, the place was really crowded and warm, was feeling really depressed there, wonder is it because of the heat & crowds or the memories I have about Randy there. Left Mr curry after dinner and we went for our usual coffee session at TCC, waited at the Central branch, but there was no seats so we went over to the clarke quay one, we took the seats outside, although there was not air con, but it was still windy, so it was ok, slash was crapping all the way, although I am feeling moody in the beginning but at the end I was feeling ok, so I laughed as well. I could say that I have a great time today, Cat called a few times to make sure I am alright as well. Felt really glad to have such great friends by my side. Thanks Min, Cat & Liz for being there for me all the time, love you girls a lot. And ray too, although he has been always saying things that hurt, but I know he cares thats why he is doing this. And now its pictures time:

Full house (满家乐)'s carrot cake, we should have ordered it without the pork floss, it would have tasted better.

The Yuan Yang that I am craving for.

Liz and Jon's Lemon Barley, it didn't tasted like barley at all lo, simply lemon, eeeeeeeee, its sucks. Slash had lemon tea, didn't really took a picture of it.

Shinvy with Slash's hands, she looked happy rite... Muahaha doubt she knows about the hand behind her.

*Smirks* I love her a lot, thanks for being here for me babe...

Slash staring at Raymond who is kinda of running and shinvy is grabbing her head, wonder why, btw this is a candid shot. Muahaha..

The miniature ramen that was on the display glass, its so cute. I forgot who asked if the kids meal is so small... My reaction was diow...

Can you see how small the ramen was compared to the ice cream?

Guess who is the shadow man... If I am remember correctly, it was slash, hmmmmm....

Lizzie looking the menu. She said take ur backside de wor...

The miniature udon, this is so cute oso especially the one with the tempura prawns..

Jon hiding behind the sudoku coaster, Hahaha

Raymond with his mango juice that he said it's not very nice, but he finished it.

Ray and his up-sized prawn omelette curry rice, the rice serving is huge la, damn scary.

Mua with my first meal of the day? Cat and Min must be grumbling le, but I wasn't really hungry, and I had a small cookie at lizzie's place.

Shinvy with her prawn cutlet curry rice, I know you can't see the prawn cutlet, its hiding behind the curry la..

Lizzie with her crab omelette curry rice and our hamburg, didn't take a picture of jon and slash coz they were sitting so far away. Slash has a chk & mushroom omelette rice with extra bacon topping while Jon had crab omelette rice with beef steak..

Our yummy hamburg, the hamburg here is really nice, its very juicy.

My prawn omelette rice with black curry, today's soup got no lala, but got 2 small little slice of prawns, and now the curry has onions and peas in it. Eeeeeee, I see le oso dun feel like eating, I want the old curry back..

My mango Lassie, its not as yogurty as I had expected, not very nice, couldn't finish it, so Raymond finished it for me...