Thursday, April 9, 2009

4th September 2009

Went for F8 this morning, the whole lecture was a little too boring for my liking, can't imagine what would it be like if I have chosen Connie Richardson or Helena Johnson instead of Nicholas as my lecturer. Got my Homework assignment back, was a little disappointed that I only get 19.5 out of 30, think I should really buck up on audit. Met Pudding after my class for lunch at Orchard Tower, had the malay rice he talked about, after that went over to PS and Sunshine with him before going home. Ta Bao Victors for my family from sunshine, after seeing the smile on my sis's face, spending the money and the energy to carry the food all the way back was definately worth the while. Was really happy to see the smile on her face..

The Rice that we had, both of us ordered the same dish: mutton, curry veg and fried egg, the mutton was quite nice, but I was a little disappointed with the curry veg, it wasn't spicy and all I taste was the hei bi..

Fried Veg pancake, it was nice since the uncle gave us the one that just came out of the frying pan, wonder what will it taste like when it is cold.. Hmmmm..