Wednesday, September 30, 2009

29th September 2009

Went for F7 class today, was feeling really sick, down with a flu, headache and sorethroat. Wasn't paying attention to the class at all, feeling really shitty, but after my class I went to TPY to meet juan for lunch, went over to the pao pao cha shop at TPY Entertainment for their chicken cutlet curry rice cause juan was craving for it for very long le, juan was so happy she finally got to eat it again that she smiling through out. But this time we really ordered too much, we ordered salt & pepper chicken and fried radish cake on top of our individual curry rice, and we can't finish it, heng they allow us to ta bao if not will waste a lot of food le.

Yummy curry rice

Salt & Pepper Chicken

My favourtie Fried Radish Cake..

Friday, September 25, 2009

25th September 2009

Went for Audit this morning, the class was dry and boring, haiz, think there is nothing I can do about it since it's a written paper. Even though Nicholas try to make it fun, but it still seems really dry. Accompanied Juan for her Hep B injection after I finished my class, since last night I didn't manage to get to eat Aston, so I pulled Juan to Aston Express at Jurong. Finally got to try the chargrill chicken, it was yummy, the sauce was not too thick, just nice, but I think boyf and the others are right, I loved it because of the mushroom sauce, but the chicken was yummy as well wor. After her injection we decided to buy the ayam penyat from the same coffee shop home for dinner, the ayam was so disapppointing lo, the chicken was hard and dry, the shop even have so many recommendations and awards from the various shows and magazines, I didn't really expect it to be so disappointing. Doubt I will go back for the ayam penyat again.

Mushroom Soup with Yummy Garlick Bread.

My double up chicken: Chargrill chicken, teriyaki chicken with garden veggie and coleslaw. Personally I feel that there is nothing special about the teriyaki chicken, the sauce tasted like the thicker version of kikkoman teriyaki sauce.

Juan's double up chicken: Chargill & Lemon Lime Chicken with Onion Rings and Baked Potato. The lemon lime sauce taste sweet & sour sauce with lemon. Hahaha... On top of that they only served very little butter with the baked potato as compared to the branches at suntec and cathay...

Thursday, September 24, 2009

24th September 2009

Spend the whole day with boyf today, went over in the early afternoon cause he was at home, we simply nua at home till around 4 plus before heading to CSC to make boyf's preorder for nedroid petite. Actually wanted to travel to Vivo for Chuan chuan and pork cutlet burger after CSC, but due to the road closure because of the F1, we decided to take a bus to Iluma instead, we went to play imagination to take a look, didn't expect to buy another thing at first, but in the end came out with 2 tokidoki mobile phone chain, boyf bought it for me as my birthday pressie. Feel bad and cried, cause he said "see how much I love you, I can't even bare to spend $38 on the Honda Transformer that was on sale for myself, and I spend $23 on you without even thinking ", I was really touched, tears keep flowing out. Humph, we went over to Suntec after that, went over to toys room to change coins, accompanied him to turn gacha and after that we went to try soup-licious at Suntec,wanted to try it for a long time le, but in the end, it turn out horrible, should have stick to Aston like what we previously agreed on.. Humph.. But even though the food was bad, I still enjoyed it, cause I am having it with the one that I loved so much. Feel so sweet about it, It has been a really long time since the both of us spend a day alone together, hope it will happen more often in the future ba...

My Szechuan Hot & Spicy Soup, the soup was horrible, not much ingredients was in it, and its so sour that boyf can't bare to take a second scoop. But I still finished it thou.

My Teriyaki Chicken Sandwich, don't think you can see the chicken from here, the foccacia was very hard and dry, not the toasted kind, more of like the "the bread have been left there for days" kind of hard. But the apple salad was not too bad.

Boyf's roasted Beef Sandwich.

Boyf's french onion soup...

Monday, September 21, 2009

19th September 2009

Spent the day celebrating my bday with my family, went over to Kenny Rogers for lunch with my parents and my sis, ordered the usual, both my mum and daddy seems pretty happy with the food, athough they keep complaining about having indigestion after lunch. Went cold storage with them after lunch to redeem the voucher that was given to daddy, bought some frozen chicken and a pack of green tea with the voucher. Came home afterwhich, bough a cake, but doesn't seem to fins the right time to blow it, do decided on doing it tomorrow. Went over to Dawson to dinner at night, had Zi Char, daddy ordered the yummy yi pin guo, lots of seafood in it, thinking of it makes me drools... Went NTUC to shop for the things that was needed for praying session on Monday, daddy will be cooking bee hoon, wantons, chicken and mushrooms, uncle lawrences and Yi ma will prepare the rest, and aunt ming will get the fruits while aunt fer will get the kuehs an flowers. I won't be going since it's on the actual day of my birthday, feel bad about it, but daddy say it is best to avoid such things cause it will xiang chong. Humph~ but will be going over to Aunt lin's after they finish praying...

18th September 2009

Celebrated my birthday with my darlings today, went over to boyf's house in the morning, he bought a cake for me, this is the first time he had bought a cake for e to blow during my birthday!!! Althought I didn't really like the cake cause of the coconut, but I still finish happily... Can't blame boyf for no knowing my taste cause he himself doesn't even know there is coconut in it.

Boyf and I went over to cathay to meet Jon for lunch in the early afternoon, it's been a really long time since I last saw him.. Was so excited, miss those times when we have gatherings and all turned up, wonder will that ever happen again. Jon treated us lunch at Aston Speciality Cathay, I wonder if it is just me, but I felt that the portion there is a lot smaller than the branches at Suntec or Katong, usually is either I could not finish the exta cut or I would be really full when I finished it, but this time neither happen. However, I was still rather pleased with my steak, it was nicey done the way I requested it. We spend sometime catching up at Starbucks before going over to Toy Outpost at PS, boyf wanted to put in some toys that he had into the box for selling. Boyf and Jon went to carrefour to buy the instant noodles that they wanted while I went to meet liz to get my bday pressie, they bought me a pair of earrings, a bag for C&K as well a a grebera daisy that is so pretty.

Jon went home afterwhich while we went over to Vivo to meet the rest for my bday dinner. We are having German food today!!! So happy, knuckles knuckles Knucles.. the dinner was yummilicious and my girlies and I cam-whore a little before going for dessert, we ordered some beer during dinner, but we have to kind of force one another to finish it since most of us are not beer lovers, we just wanna give it a try. Had a quarrel with boyf, and the day ended awful, decided to come home alone to cool myself down, was a little disappointed that boyf did not come after me when I left. My girls was stunned as well, but what can I do?

Birthday Cake from boyf.. I have already finish the chocolate by the side before realising that I haven take a picture of it..

Blowing Blowing Blowing, OMG, I am getting older again..

Lunch Treat from Jon: Prime Ribeye Extra Cut..

Yummilicious Pork Knuckles, luckily I ask the waiteress about it, the pork knuckle was actually not on the menu, you have to do a special order if u want it..

Leberkäse: grilled pork meat loaf with roasted potatoes and creamed spinach

Kalbsrahmgulasch: traditional braised veal shank "Goulash" in paprika sauce with buttered spätzle

Würstelplatte: authentic sausage platter with spicy chicken sausages, Nürnberger pork bratwurst, mini pork cheese sausages, weisswurst sausage and garlic sausage with sauerkraut and mustard

Petersfisch: grilled atlantic dory filet with wild mushroom sauce, garlic butter and potato wedges

Walnut Rocky Road for dessert

My bday cake from the girls, I finished it all myself, wonder how many rounds do I have to run from all the eating...

Sunday, September 20, 2009

20th September 2009

Went down to Vivo to meet mama after her wedding lunch at M Hotel, bought a cardigan from G2000 using Ivy jie 50% discount, afterwhich Aunt lin and Uncle Lawrence gave us a treat at the Chuan Chuan Place (Central HK Restaurant). Actually wanted totry Chuan Yi Pin, but have to wait for at least 30 mins and its seriously freaking crowded there. Surprisely the food at Central was nice, always tot that such Cha Chan Ting serves lousy food. The Pork Cutlet burger was really very juicy, didn't manage to take a picture of it cause Joyce was sitting too far away from it, other than that, the fried intestine was yummy as well, its not chao ta and it doesn't have the smelly pork xing wei. The following are some of the other food tat we ordered.

The not too thick yuan yang, who know some places serves yuan yang that have too much coffee or too much milk tea, but the yuan yang here was perfect, similar to those I drank in Hong Kong.

Juan's Dried Dan Dan Mian..

My beef baked rice, the rice was still moist after the baking while the beef was still very tender, but there are simply too much onions in it.

Mama's Spicy Pork Cutlet Noodle, the Pork Cutlet was juicy, but the soup was little to bland for my liking, it tasted more like wanton mee soup with a little chilli oil added to it. Was a little disappointed with this dish...

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

16th September 2009

Feeling crappy today, had a huge quarrel with boyf over my birthday, feel that I always have to plan it myself, make everything happen myself, really sick of it. Another ppl's boyf will plan their gf's birthday nicely, give them surprise, make them happy. But for me, he doesn't seem to care, doesn't seem to bother, he is so occupied with his own activities that he don't even have time for me. Feeling very emo recently, could it the pre birthday depression? Feel as though no one cares at all, even my own family. No longer have the mood to celebrate, don't even want to meet for dinner, just want to spend it myself, somewhere alone. My backache has been getting from bad to worst too, wanted to arrange to see my family doctor, but she is away till the 24th, guess I will have to wait till she is back ba.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

9th September 2009

Today was so tiring, had classes both in the morning and afternoon, have so much to digest, didn't even want to start, was feeling kind of depress, had an argument with Pudding over me keep asking why about his meetings, but this is a way of me showing that I care, I wanna know what is going on with his life, think at the same time I might feel unsecure about our relationship. Maybe I should ignore how I feel, and adopt the don't ask, don't comment, don't bother and don't give a damn attitude...

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

8th September 2009

Met up with Pudding today after my F7 class, was feeling really tired , think might be because of the block nose that I had. Help Pudding chose 2 ties from Robinson, decided on purple and sky blue. Pudding bought 6 pairs of renoma black socks for $15 as well, such a good buy!! Accompany him to PS and we had lunch there, I had the curry beef pepper rice with cheese from pepper lunch, it was quite horrible, cuse by the time I sat down my beef was already overcooked and the rice was dry and salty. Went home after lunch, daddy was home, mama told me he was not feeling well, so bought some hebal tea for him. Daddy grumble that the room that my sis and I shared was far too messy, so guess I would have to pack my room soon...

Monday, September 7, 2009

7th September 2009

My sis and I went GWC today, had yummy kenny rogers for lunch today, my sis and I shared a lucille set which consist of half a chicken, half slab of honey ribs as well as 3 side dishes, spent about $25 a person, but its definately worth it.

Went shopping with my sis after lunch, I bought 2 basic tops from Dorothy Perkins using my birthday discount as well as 2 jellys sandals from Novo. The 2 pair of grendha jelly sandals only cost me $20, its so worth it, only bought the red and the transparent one, cause they run out of sizes for the other colours. Poutz.. I wanted all the colours they have including the gold one that I already hav, no harm having a spare since I like it so much right ? Haha.. My sis bought a pair of grendha pumps as well as a pair of working pants from G2000, the pants she bought was so expensive lo, it cost about $60 for a pair, she even said its not as comfy as he one at Dorothy, but too bad, dorothy only have pockets for the wide leg pant, which looks pretty ugly.

Honey Ribs and Spring Chicken. The Ribs was yummy but the chicken was a little dry but we still loved it.


Mac and Cheese, yummy, its taste so good that my sis keep smiling after eating it.

Mashed Potato, it was a disappointment, should have went for the potato salad instead.

Yummy Warm corn muffin, I have always loved Kenny Roger's corn muffin, even thought I didn't really like corn. Was really glad that the standard hasn't drop since the last time I have been there.