Monday, September 21, 2009

19th September 2009

Spent the day celebrating my bday with my family, went over to Kenny Rogers for lunch with my parents and my sis, ordered the usual, both my mum and daddy seems pretty happy with the food, athough they keep complaining about having indigestion after lunch. Went cold storage with them after lunch to redeem the voucher that was given to daddy, bought some frozen chicken and a pack of green tea with the voucher. Came home afterwhich, bough a cake, but doesn't seem to fins the right time to blow it, do decided on doing it tomorrow. Went over to Dawson to dinner at night, had Zi Char, daddy ordered the yummy yi pin guo, lots of seafood in it, thinking of it makes me drools... Went NTUC to shop for the things that was needed for praying session on Monday, daddy will be cooking bee hoon, wantons, chicken and mushrooms, uncle lawrences and Yi ma will prepare the rest, and aunt ming will get the fruits while aunt fer will get the kuehs an flowers. I won't be going since it's on the actual day of my birthday, feel bad about it, but daddy say it is best to avoid such things cause it will xiang chong. Humph~ but will be going over to Aunt lin's after they finish praying...

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