Friday, August 7, 2009

7th August 2009...

Finally after so many discussions, quarrels and arguments with Pudding, we decided that we are going to have a bbq this Saturday. Even though most of the guys aren't very enthu about it, but don't care la, I am going to have to have it the girls way this time, don't wanna take into consideration others le. Wrote down the list of items we have to buy for the bbq just now, its so freaking long, wonder if we will have enough budget for everything. Humph... hopefully the things aren't going to be as expensive as that I think it's going to be *crossed my fingers*... Will be meeting Pudding tomorrow night for grocery shopping, so looking forward to it, it's the very first time we are having a bbq together, can you imagine, we have to together for almost 5 years, and this is the 1st time? So excited, will blog again tomorrow about the things we have bought... Till then...

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