Wednesday, May 27, 2009

27 May 2009

I feel very 痛苦, I feel like dying, just end my life here, I really really love Randy, but he broke up with me.., Why? Because we have different views? I change, I can change into everything he is looking for, I just want him back.

We talk about treating one another as close friends as brother and sister, that is the best I can get out of him, but this afternoon when I talked him, I wanted to called him hubby, I didn't dare, I am scare that he will ban me from his friend's list again. Everyone is trying to talk me into giving up since once he has made a decision he dun change it, but I can't, I really can't accept it. He has even took back his house keys from me. He said that he is seeing another girl, but I dun believe him, I trust him that he won't do it, but there are so many evidence in hand. I really dunno what to do.. I want him back. I really want him back.

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