Saturday, November 14, 2009

Brushing Day...

My family has this brushing Day organise by my beloved sister, we used this toothpaste that was suppose to be only for primary school kids, it suppose to show you if you have brush ur teeth properly. After that we floss out teeth with the new "tepe" dental floss, my sis said that the floss is suppose to be able to last longer than normal ones. We used the mini brush after that to clean our teeth... Personally I think it's a hassle to do this every night, it took me about half an hour to clean my teeth, I was so tire after that, hope my sis won't organise this day regularly..

The Primary School Toothpaste...

It's freaking pink in colour...

Tepe Dental Floss..

The different size of mini brushes..

Feeling kuku that I have to use the mini brush..

The end result, My reaction was "what's the diff, isn't it the same as the usual?"

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