Wednesday, July 15, 2009

14th July 2009

Woke only at around 11, went over to Pudding's place in the afternoon after knowing he is unable to attend his PSA class due to some admin reasons. Actually in the first place he didn't wanted to meet me, but after my nagging and grumbling, he gave in again, bought lunch for the both of us. I had the bee hoon from the coffee shop located at the next block, its been a long time since I ate the bee hoon, Pudding said that auntie keep asking I am not with him when ever he went to buy nasi lemak... Bought Pudding the chicken Rice that he wanted, helped him with some packing of toys, then we watching Boys over flowers together, slack a bit and he fall asleep, soI took a cab home. Momma bought Red Yeast Mee Sua for me as dinner today, it didn't taste as nice as the one she bought last week, think the graving was too thick this time, but Momma was saying its the last bowl, so think that might be the reason. Hope the next time will be better, been talking to Pudding quite often recently, had a fight with him last night, he said I was being kuku, while I was unhappy about him going tampopo without me. We do have a lot of differences, but I realise that as long as we give each other some time to cool down and then sit down and talk things out, everything would be solve. So Pudding, we have to talk more k...

1 comment:

Rek's collection said...

talk? can~ just not after midnight.