Thursday, July 16, 2009

16th July 2009

Went for P3 today, today was all about PESTEL and Porter's Diamond, as well as the JWS model, have been copying thru out the class. Pudding gave me a surprise by picking me up from school, so happy to see him there, we went for lunch at PS, decide to settle one of my cravings, which is the bandito pocket from KFC, the meat was so juicy, Yummilicious!!! Came home after lunch while Pudding went down to National library to study his CHI, helped daddy with his anti virus thingy from Trend Micro in the evening, stupid company so bloody inefficient, after renewing, the activation is still pending till now. Feel like calling them tomorrow. Humph.. Currently thinking of agenda for next wed, should we go swimming, ktv or harry potter? want to keep it packed, dun wanna dua liz again, felt so bad that the last few times when we are out, we always run out of activities by evening, so we went home in the end. Think i must getting the planning irin back, muahaha.. Thinking of what I wanna eat when we visit Tampopo next week.. hahaha... Wagyu Beef Katsu? Ox Tail Nabe? Kuro Buta Ramen? Stoned Bowl Curry Rice? Futo Maki?

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