Thursday, July 16, 2009

15th July 2009

Went for P1 today, was a bit blur, don't really understand what Roy was talking about, busy copying and copying the notes, it was all the Reports and the codes of conduct, guess it's time for me to read up. Went online to check my exams dates for December, the dates range from the 7th to the 16th, which means I won't be able to go for the family chalet this year, was a bit disappointed at first, but come to think about it, there will definitely be another time, exams are more important. Bought dinner for my family today, daddy, juan and I had the yummy curry from cuppage, while momma has assam laksa. Think my parents are so sweet, momma took half day leave to go pak tok with daddy today, hahaha... at times they will hold hands and go strolling or shopping, wonder will my future husband and I be like my parents too...

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