Friday, June 12, 2009

12th June 2009

Got scolded by Daddy for using the phone especially during my exams period and keep wanting to go out, He said that if I were to score badly for this sem I better dun find excuses. Damn it la, he doesn't know what I am going thru lo, Randy left me during my exam period, what does he expect me to feel? Everything is simply so sucky now, ya he doesn't know about the break up, he doesn't know what I am going thru, but I am already big enough le, does he have to scream at me for all these?

I am seriously thinking that taking up ACCA might be a huge mistake in my life. I am feeling very pressurized and I am really very tire of all that is going on. The main reason for taking ACCA is gone, I am not getting any support from my family all I am getting was the blames. Why am I failing my modules? Why m I not trying my best? Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.... I feel like ending everything, just ending everything...

Finish chapter 3 of Mars & Venus, it's about man hiding in their caves while woman loves to talk about their problems. I totally agree to it, cause for myself, whenever I have problems, I simply need to talk about it, the more I talk the better I feel. The book actually quote playing game as an activity that guys would do when they are having problems, this is to keep their mind off things. Come to think about it, could Randy be facing a lot of problems of his own, which is why sometimes when I am over at his place, he simply keep playing his games and looking at his computer screen instead of spending time with me? Am I giving him too much pressure? Humph, Maybe I am ba. Suddenly I remember Aunt Grace ask could he be feeling inferior cause currently he doesn't have a job, his mum is kind of stressing him, while I am trying my best with ACCA so that we can have a better life in the future? I doubt so ba. If he is, then he shouldn't be, cause I know he is putting all his effort in his driving as well as working hard by attending insurance classes, so that there is a better future.

Alvin tried asking me out again today, I dun really feel comfortable about it, it feels like I m betraying or cheating on randy if I will date him. So I told Alvin I wasn't free, slack at home the whole day, sitting in front of my lappie and reading the book. Feeling a bit emo about leaving singapore, seems to be having a bad feeling, wanted to meet up with Randy before I leave, but I know its not possible, Haiz, really dun feel like going, feel that I will really miss him a lot. That is what usually happens when I go overseas previously. But this time is a little different, cause he is no longer my bf, Humph... But I know I will still miss him a lot no matter what...

Accomplishment: Run for 20 mins today, my leg hurts, the cramp is coming back again, did 30 crunches. Didn't read randy's blog for 8 days le. Humph, wondering what is happening in his life.

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