Tuesday, June 2, 2009

1st June 2009

Spent the day worrying about the new girl that Randy is with now, wonder if she is real or fake, but after thinking so much, I decided to follow my heart and believe that the girl wasn't true, that Randy just wanna use her to spite me to make me move on. But just to let him know, I will be waiting no matter what.

Was really down from afternoon till at night at around 9 plus, talked a bit to Min about what is going on, she really gives good advices although she keep scolding Randy, saying that he is not worth it. Randy replied one of my sms and said that we shouldn't meet up at all, coz a deal is a deal and the term is one month no contact, after receiving the sms I felt relieved, I didn't know why maybe because I felt that I still have a chance. In the mean time what I can do is try to concentrate on my exams and go do what I have to do which to slim down and lose weight so that I will gain confidence as well as think positively and work on being independent and my emotions.

Accomplishments of the day: I completed 2.4km in 24.54 mins, hopefully I will get better, I did 30 crunches was well.

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