Monday, June 29, 2009

29th June 2009

Stayed home today cause the air con people are coming to do some servicing, was bored the whole day, had instant mee as my brunch, actually mama asked if I want char kway teow, but i told her it's too oily, think I might be getting healthier, even mug root beer taste like sugar syrup now, humph, had a sip and gave my sis the rest. My sis went for her haircut with Joys today, she bought pizza kun and otah pastry from bugis, both aren't very nice, was a little disappointed. Arranged to meet Liz, Slash and Ray for mala on thursday, too bad pudding can't come, he has class on that day, a bit wasted, actually he was saying maybe we can go on sunday, but a bit hard la, somemore the promo is only from mon to fri. Told daddy i am going out on sunday, and yes he grumble, but don't care la, think I might have to let him get used to me going out often. Ok... Pictures times...

Brunch: Instant mala maggie mee with prawns, ham and crabstick, I feel so greedy put so much ingredients, but I can't help it neh..

Otah Pastry from otah inc: the pastry is very oily and tasteless, and the otah is horrible.

Pizza Kun, wanted to try this for very long le, find the box cute, so took a picture of it.

Prawn Wasabi Pizza: I simply can't taste any wasabi, and the rice patty was too hard, and the pizza was actually cold, a huge disappointment. But come to think about it, maybe we should eat there instead of buying back, guess I might give it another chance.

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