Friday, June 19, 2009

19th June 2009

Just came back from Hong Kong last nite, both physically and mentally tire, miss Randy a lot, keep thinking what will it be like if i am there with him instead of my family. Got a feeling I will be happier. Wonder how are things for him, he was online on msn yesterday, but decided not to talk to him, didn't wanna appear pushy. Bought lots of pressies for him as well as his parents and sisters, my cousins keep asking why do I have to buy, since we are no longer together, but I simply told her that I still love him, and I feel nice buying him and his family things. Wondering if I should sms him about the pressie, wanted to meet him to pass it to him, but afraid that he doesn't want it. So think i will leave it till the 29th or the 30th ba, hopefully by then things will be fine and I can give the pressie to him and his parents myself... Hoping for the best to happen.

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