Sunday, June 14, 2009

14th June 2009

Didn't do much today, had breakfast with my parents at Dawson Place, walked home after that. Went down to Great world with my sis and my cousins in the afternoon cause my sis wanted to get legging for our Hong Kong Trip while I need to change some money for my mum. Will be leaving tomorrow, wondering if I should sms Randy before I leave, this is something I will always do whenever I am going overseas after I am together with him. But doubt he will reply ba, even if he would, I guess he will sound cruel and cold. Wonder what should I get for him, should I get pressie for his family? I think i should, its a nice gesture. Will be packing my stuff later, humph, feeling a bit sian about it. Won't be blogging for some time ba. Have a really bad feeling about this trip, hopefully everything will be fine.

I just realize during dinner time that I am having a big ulcer under my tongue, its so painful, but I guess I will have to bare with it. Will think of Randy often on this trip just like the trips that I went before. Will miss him.

Accomplishment: I didn't run or do crunches today nor did I read the book, but I haven visit Randy's blog for 10 days le.

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