Monday, June 8, 2009

8th June 2009

Today paper was ok, hopefully I can pass, Was happy when Randy called to tell me Good luck after I sms him that I was having a paper today, he didn't remember but it was ok. I felt a lot better than usual, was trying all my best, but after my paper, I started to feel emo again, think its because I kept hoping that maybe after my paper he will appear at RJC to pick me up and send me home then everything will be fine as usual. Went home alone, was thinking a lot of the bus, whether if he still loves me and have feelings for me, haiz, Ray would have tell me go study la, think so much oso no use, might as well concentrate on ur studies. I know I know I know, but I can't help it. Really miss Randy, been nearly 2 weeks since I last saw him. Wonder how is he? Is he doing fine? Is he getting slimmer? Hmmm.. keep wondering, wondering & wondering. Randy is having his driving test this thursday, has been praying hard for him, hoping he can pass this time. Think he can, I must have confidence in him. On top of that, tomorrow is my last paper le, feeling a bit lost, what should I do after my papers while waiting for him to return. Humph. Think I have to get a list out pretty soon, but at least I have a few items in mind:
  1. Finish reading the Mars, Venus book that Randy wanted me to complete 4 Years ago, think this time I must really sit myself down and read.
  2. Look for a new game to keep myself occupied.
  3. Running everyday if possible to build my confidence, and more crunches, need to slim my tummy, so big, haiz...
Currently these are the things that I have come up with, hope to have more added to the list. Looking forward to spending time out on Wednesday, will be going for the Da Vinci Exhibition at Science Centre. Wonder what is so interesting? Maybe i will know on Wednesday !!

Accomplishment: Although I sms him today but I didn't read his blog for 4 days le. Waiting for him to come back might be a long route, but I will wait for him no matter what...

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